Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World

September 18, 2007

Kittee Pumpkin Pretzels

Filed under: Non-Cupcake Objects,Other's People's Baking,Recipes — by isachandra @ 7:26 pm

It seems that the pumpkin fairy has visited kittee, too. Look at this genius invention – pumpkin pretzels!


Having had the opportunity to eat some of kittee’s eats in Portland over the summer, I am sure these are wonderful. And if you’ve never made pretzels before, what a perfect time to try something new. You boil the dough before baking, the whole time thinking, “This will never work.” But then it always works and you feel better than everyone else.

Speaking of being better than everyone else, I’ll post that pumpkin brownie recipe tomorrow. I’ve been really lazy. I mean busy. Blazy?

I’ll distract you with a shot of kittee with a chapati bikini. And don’t forget, kittee is now the food editor of Herbivore magazine. A new issue came out today so subscribe, get some wonderful recipes, read some enlightening articles and interviews, and support independent vegan media. Or I will make you feel really guilty.

September 17, 2007

Pumpkin Pie Brownie

Filed under: Baking Porn,Holiday Cupcakes,Non-Cupcake Objects,Recipes — by isachandra @ 12:10 pm

Thank Zod for autumn. I have 6 cans of pumpkin in my pantry that need to get outta’ there and make room for something else. I don’t even know where they came from, it’s possible that I just kept forgetting if I had any canned pumpkin and my collection grew and grew, or it could be the canned pumpkin fairy. And I can’t eat pumpkin in warm weather, it throws off my equilibrium.

Last night I made these Pumpkin Pie Brownies. It’s a brownie base with pumpkin in the batter and then pumpkin pie filling is poured on top and they bake together in perfect harmony. Obviously, these would be like gold at any Halloween event.

Recipe has been added, just click “more.”


September 15, 2007

Saturday Morning Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

Filed under: Baking Porn,Non-Cupcake Objects,Other Cookbooks — by isachandra @ 2:51 pm

Absolutely perfect for a rainy morning. Even though it eventually stopped raining. I can’t give you the recipe because I was recipe testing for the second issue of Don’t Eat Off the Sidewalk, but I can share these photos.

September 14, 2007

Animals and Cupcakes Blitzkrieg

Filed under: Animals and Cupcakes,Baking Porn — by isachandra @ 1:01 pm

Chocolate Stout cupcake with kitten, from tramotana

A portly dog desires a vegan cupcakes, from heatherrrrrrr

Baby’s first cupcake, from cheapandplastic

Animal ButterCream, cupcakes from JSnow

Okay, that last one is kind of playing fast and loose with the rules of animal, but still.

September 10, 2007

Vegan Milano Cookies

Filed under: Non-Cupcake Objects,Recipes — by isachandra @ 12:31 am

Well, obviously they’re vegan – I just titled it that way for google purposes. Or Ask Jeeves, if you prefer.

The PPK messages boards were clamouring for a version of these and what the PPK message board wants, the PPK message board gets. They taste pretty much as I remember them, although I can’t tell you the last time I had one since I am, like, what? A level 11 vegan by now? I didn’t bother coming up with a cutesy name for them, so if anyone can think of one, have at it!

Vegan Milanos
Makes 16 cookies

Vegan Milano Cookies

For those of us who miss suckling at the corporate teat of Pepperidge Farm, here is a veganized version of everyone’s favorite chocolate sandwich cookie. Even though there is a bit of orange zest in the batter, these aren’t orange flavored, the zest just kind of pulls everything together and gives a sunny note of somethin’ somethin’. I think bittersweet chocolate will give the most authentic flavor, but use semi-sweet if that’s what you got. And heed the directions to flour your hands before forming each cookie – otherwise the dough will stick.

1/3 cup rice milk (or soy, whatever you got)
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup canola oil
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Scant 1 teaspoon finely grated orange zest
2 cups flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped (or use chocolate chips)

Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease 2 large cookie sheets.

In a large mixing bowl, use a strong fork to mix together milk, sugar, oil, vanilla and zest.

Add half of the flour, along with the cornstarch, baking powder and salt; mix well. Add the remaining flour and mix until you have a soft, pliable dough.

Make sure your hands are very clean and dry, and dust them with flour. Stuffs about to get messy. Sort of.

Grab about 1 tablespoon’s worth of dough and roll it into a ball, and then roll into a log that’s about 1 1/2 inches long. Flatten with the palms of your hand to create an oval that is 2 inches long and 1 inch across, then straighten the edges out with your fingers. Basically, if you know what a milano looks like, that’s the shape your going for. But this is homemade, so don’t try to be perfect. You aren’t a machine (or are you?)

Continue with the rest of the dough, flouring your hands before you form each cookie, until you have 16 cookies placed about 1 inch apart (they don’t spread much.) I had to do this in 2 batches because of my small oven, so while these baked I started my next batch of 16. If you’ve got a big oven then do both trays of 16 at once.

Bake for 14 to 16 minutes, until tops are firm and edges are ever so slightly browned. Remove from oven and let rest for 2 minutes. Use a thin, flexible spatula to transfer to a cooling rack. Meanwhile, bake your next batch and melt your chocolate*.

Once cookies are cool enough to handle (only about 10 minutes), take a cookie and dip the bottom into the chocolate. Then take another cookie and dip it, and place the dipped sides together to form a sandwich. Don’t press them hard lest the chocolate smush out. Place them on a tray or several plates that will fit in your fridge. Continue with the remaining cookies until you have 16 sandwiches. Have a wet rag at the ready to wipe your fingers between putting the cookies together, to avoid chocolate fingerprints on the cookies. Or just lick the chocolate off. Or just decide that who cares about chocolate fingerprints.

Place cookies in the fridge to set for at least an hour. Bring back to room temperature before serving (about 1/2 an hour.) Call it a day.

*You know how to melt chocolate, right?

September 6, 2007


Filed under: Decorating — by isachandra @ 5:17 pm

Some people have complained that the cover of Veganomicon is not metal enough.


And now that I’ve seen Franny’s 23rd birthday cake, I have to agree.

September 4, 2007

Flaming Blackout Cake

Filed under: Decorating — by isachandra @ 6:50 pm

Deidre Jean always makes me feel really lazy. Look at all the work she put into making this flaming groom’s cake, complete with fire engine to put out the vegan fire.

She’s actually got blueprints! Start here to see how it all came together.

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