Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World

August 23, 2007

Baking In Style!

Filed under: Fashion and Cupcakes — by isachandra @ 1:47 pm

I’ve been away all summer, that’s why me no bloggy lately. But I’ve returned with an awesome apron from Katie, which she actually looks much hotter in. I had the best time in Oregon at Vegan: The Gathering. So much fun, actually, that it has immobilized me. Every time I want to write about it I get completely overwhelmed. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m always immobilized and overwhelmed.

It’s also been in the 70s here in Brooklyn, which is perfect baking weather and, of course, rare for August.  But instead of posting pictures of what I’ve been baking I will just post a picture of me in my new apron, and the 20 pounds I’ve gained from baking. That oughta do it.

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